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Yes, ok...eh...never liked to write about myself. I can talk for hours about my friends but never about my own persona.
Well...I was born (in Russia, Moscow)... and then were the standard things like learning to talk, walk,... and draw. Before I said my name for the first time, I actually drew myself (that's what my parents told me, and I tend to believe them).
Soon, (at six) I decided to go to the Art School but was too little to attend and my parents decided to give me a music education instead (piano instruction). "It " continued for lo-o-o-ng 7 years and had bright moments from times to times - a few concerts, "best student", "best singer of the year", etc. But the musical future wasn't the picture I painted for myself. A year before graduating from the music school, I cut one of my classes and took an entering exam at the Art School, and of course got in. Need to say, that that year I was going to 3 schools at the same time (regular academic, art, and music schools, which I quit the following year). Ever since I was a happy child. Probably because I always knew what I wanted to do.
Then I moved to US with my family to professionally pursue my art career. Main reason, it's impossible to enter a prestigious art college in Moscow unless you have the connections among "influential and respectable" people, which my family didn't. What parents wouldn't do for their children?! I love them for it.

So here, in NY I graduated from high school with art and math (!) majors among top 3 students (!!! out of 1 thousand). I had to brag a little...And ever since I'm at SVA, School of Visual Arts (one of the best New York art colleges). I have shows here and there, won a couple of awards and hope to "make it" here. 

However, if you think that I am strictly brushes and pencils person, I'll disappoint you. I've worked with the computer for as long as I'm here (quite some time), mainly doing web, graphic, and layout designs. I was double majoring for the first year in college (fine arts and computer design), then I decided I can deal with computers without majoring in it (besides, it's costly). I freelance a lot and work part-time while in college. Last semester worked at IBM Corporation, as a web developer and a graphic designer.
In addition to all of the above, I love doing photography, when I have some free time I spend it on the roofs in the Village, or...in my specially equipped studio. And of course I love museums and galleries which we have plenty of here.

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